Fig .: Front view of globular abdomen; And end result showing scars on the bikini brand and inside the navel.
Side view of abdomen in apron; And end result associated with Liposuction of Flanks.

Technical name: Abdominoplasty or abdominal dermolipectomy.
Part of body: abdomen.
Objectives: Remove excess skin and fat from the belly and perform a plication of the rectus abdominis muscles.
Recommended age: when you have already decided not to have more children, usually more than 30 years.
Anesthesia: epidural feeding.
Duration of surgery: on average 2 to 3 hours.
Hospital stay: From 24 to 48 hours.
Scar: At the height of the lower abdomen, it can be hidden under the bikini. And inside the navel. In cases where there is no sagging above the navel, the mini-abdomen can be made without a scar on the navel. The points are internal, being absorbed around 1 month. NORMALLY, WE DO NOT USE DRAINS.

Laboratory tests (Complete blood count, Coagulogram, Blood glucose, optional anti-HIV, Urine examination, ECG and chest x-ray PA for over 40 years) and Medical photography. Previous gynecological examination. Avoid smoking 15 days before, at least. You are not using Acetyl Salicylic Acid (ASA, Aspirin) or anti-coagulant medicines such as Ginko biloba for 15 days before and 7 days after surgery.

1o. Day: bed rest with a headrest raised to 30 degrees and leg folded. Bladder catheter for 24 hours. Avoid lifting or supporting the arms and do not make sudden movements to avoid bruising. Light diet at the end of the day. Medications taken from non-hospital: Antibiotic (Kefara 1g EV of 12 / 12h), Anti-inflammatory
(Profenid 01 amp 12 / 12h EV), Analgesic (Tramal 01 amp EV if you have pain). Other usual medications for vomiting, stomach, antihypertensive.
2nd day: the dressing is renewed. Medications taken at home (WITH MEDICAL RECIPE): Antibiotic (Cefadroxil 500mg VO of 12 / 12h box with 8 comp.), Anti-inflammatory (Biprofenid 01 comp. VO every 12 hours), Analgesic (Dipirone or Tylex 30mg VO If pain) and the usual.
7th day: renewed in micropores.
15th day: can be started in the Lymphatic Drainage manual, in the abdomen region.
Recovery time: 20 to 30 days.
Associated surgeries: Liposuction of flanks and culottes. Breast reduction or augmentation mammoplasty.

Abdominoplasty Care

Apply Topical Antiseptic (70% Alcohol, Colorless Merthiolate or Rifocin Spray) on how to scars, over the Micropore. Renew the micropore every 7 days, and withdraw with 1 month.
Full bath after 3 to 5 days. Use neutral antiseptic soap.
Sleep supine (belly up) with pillow under the knees and head.
Keep the micropore on a scar for up to 1 month. In case of allergy withdraw.
Keep a tape for 1 month, and for longer ones up to 2 months. Can be lined with cloth (diaper)
Return to work or drive after 30 days.
Walking with 45 days and physical activity with 2 months. Abdominal exercises with 4 months.
Do not pick up sun for at least 2 months. Photoprotector 30 FPS daily.
Edema: decreased 50% with 1 month and 100% with 3 months.
In case of a high scar, massage for one minute with 15% Rosehip Cream + 0.1% Tamoxifen Citrate; Or 0.5% Triamcinolone + 0.5% Hydrocortisone. In case of reddish scar, use Kelo-cote gel 2 times a day.
The scar may turn red for up to 6 months. In this case, do not expose yourself to the sun and avoid crustacean.
Return for one month, two, four, and six month reviews. Final return for photography and possible retouching with one year.



· A: Being a surgery that removes a certain amount of skin and fat, there will of course be a reduction in body weight, which varies according to the volume of the abdomen of each patient. They are not, however, the “kilos” taken away that will define the aesthetic result, but rather as proportions that abdomen maintains with the rest of the trunk and the limbs. Paradoxically, the abdomen that improves the results are precisely the ones in which they are made as smaller withdrawals. What is most of the women in question is “sagging” of the abdomen after one or more deliveries, with skin predominating over a quantity of fat located in the region. In these cases, our results are excellent. In other cases, where the patient is overweight, the result is also compensatory and proportional to the rest of the body;


A: The scar resulting from a dermisection is located horizontally just above the pubic hair, extending laterally to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the volume of the abdomen to be corrected. This is an automatic translation, without prejudice only to “thong” being able, and will infallibly go through several periods of evolution, as follows:

A- IMMEDIATE PERIOD: Go to 30º day and presents with excellent appearance and little visible. Some problems are treated with correction. – MEDIATE PERIOD. It goes from the 30th day until the 12th month. In this period there is natural thickening of the scar, as well as changing in the tonality of its color, going from “red” to “brown”, which gradually becomes clearer. This period, the least favorable of cicatricial evolution, is what worries most as patients. As we can not rush the natural process of healing, we recommend to the patients that they do not worry, because the later period will be in charge of diminishing the cicatricial traces. C- LATE PERIOD: Goes from the 12th to the 18th month. In this period, a scar begins to become clearer and less consistent, as, its definitive aspect. Any evaluation of the definite result of the abdominal surgery should be done after this period · Q: HOW MUCH TIME WILL I FINISH THE DEFINITIVE RESULT? · A: In the previous answer we made some considerations about the evolution of the scar. However, there are still some observations about the new abdomen, not related to its consistency, sensitivity, volume, etc. 1 – In the first months, the abdomen presents a relative insensitivity, in addition to being subject to periods of “swelling”, which regress Spontaneously.2- At this stage, look like “stretched” or “flat”. With the end of two months, having started the exercises oriented to modeling, we will gradually inject the final result. · A: No, your own navel will be transplanted and, if necessary, remodeled. · A: No, your navel will be transplanted and, if necessary, remodeled. It should be taken into account, surrounding the navel there is a scar that undergoes the same evolution of the lower scar (description no item in 02). Several techniques exist for a reimplantation of the navel. All of them are subject to future surgical reviews, should this be necessary. This occurs with the accumulation of abnormalities in the cicatricial evolution of certain patients and can be corrected by a minor surgery under local anesthesia after a few months. Q: ABDOMINAL DERMOLIPECTOMY CORRECT THAT EXCESS OF FAT OVER THE STOMACH REGION? A: Not always. This depends on your type of torso (chest + abdomen set). If it is of the short type, it will hardly be corrected. Being of the long type, the result will be more favorable. Also of great importance in this respect is a thickness of the fat panicle (thickness of the fat) that covers this area of ​​the body. Q: WHAT TYPE OF MEANING CAN I USE AFTER SURGERY? A: The type of swimsuit depending Of your own mannequin. It is clear that the lower “generous” necklines (thongs) will be due to the cases in which the results are more natural. Remember that the surgeon’s scalpel only improves its own shape, which is further improved with the care of a beautician or physiotherapist, as long as you join these complementary treatments as early as the first few weeks after surgery.P: I CAN FUTURE CHILDREN ? THE RESULT WILL NOT BE HARMED? A: Your gynecologist will tell you whether or not the new pregnancy is appropriate. As for the result, it can be preserved, provided that in the new gestation its weight is controlled by that specialist. We advise, however, all children scheduled before submitting an abdominal dermolipectomy. P: I HEARD SAYING THAT THE POSTOPERATIVE ABDOMINAL DERMOLIPECTOMY IS VERY PAINFUL. Is it true? · A: No. A normal evolution dermolipectomy should not present pain. What exists is a great misconception on the part of certain patients, who are operated simultaneously of gynecological surgeries associated with dermolipectomy and, for this reason, report postoperative pains. Not all surgeons usually recommend this association of surgeries, as they represent a certain surgical risk, as well as being disclosed as less favorable results and results. · Q: Is there a danger in this operation? · Rarely a dermolipectomy surgery brings serious complications, since it is performed Within technicians. This is due to the fact of preparing for the whole patient for the operative act, besides pondering on a convenience of association of this surgery simultaneously with others. The danger is no greater or less than a plane or car trip, or even the simple crossing of a street. · Q: WHAT TYPE OF ANESTHESIA IS USED FOR THIS OPERATION? · A: Usually epidural anesthesia. Some, in special cases such as ex-obese can be done with General Anesthesia · Q: HOW LONG DOES THE SURGICAL ACT HARD? · A: On average 90 to 120 minutes. This period can be extended, if the case demands. However, the time of a surgical one does not develop confused with the time of permanence of the patient without environment of Surgical Center, because this permanence also involves the period of anesthetic preparation and postoperative recovery. Your doctor is what it concerns To the total time · Q: WHAT IS THE INITIATION PERIOD · A: From 1 to 3 days (normal evolution) · Q: ARE CURATIVES USED · A: Yes Special dressings, changed periodically by the surgeon’s team · P : WHEN ARE THE POINTS REMOVED? A: Most are internal. When necessary, download a series of search points. Day, and should be done selectively, in the days that follow. · A: Usually after 3 to 5 days · Q: WHAT IS THE POST-OPERATING EVOLUTION? · A: V. Do not forget to remember that until you can get it The result however, several stages are characteristic of this type of surgery. Thus, there is no item 02, was informed about a cicatricial course (until the 18th month). There is no item 03, on the evolution of the abdomen shape, as well as a sensitivity, consistency, etc. However, it is not the intention to “wait for the final time”. Whether your organism will be responsible for dissecting all the small intermediary disorders that will infallibly draw the attention of a person who is not stealing from the observation: “// WILL THIS WILL DISAPPEAR?” – It is evident that every concern On your part must be a transmitted nodes. We will give you the necessary clarification, for your peace of mind. In time: In some patients, a certain anxiety occurs in the phase, due to the transitory aspect (edema, insensitivity, cicatricial aspect, etc.). This is fleeting and general reflects the desire to deal with the end result as soon as possible. Remember that no result of abdominal surgery should be considered final before 12 to 18 months. In case of very obese patients, it can occur, after the 8th. Day, an “elimination of reasonable amount of yellowish liquid” by one or more scar points. This phenomenon is nothing more than the surgical transudation and liquefaction of the residual fat near the area of ​​the scar that is being eliminated, without this being the best possible. There are resources to prevent this leak from occurring in inopportune situations. There is a certain anxiety in the phase, due to the transitory aspect (edema, insensitivity, cicatricial aspect, etc.). This is fleeting and general reflects the desire to deal with the end result as soon as possible. Remember that no result of abdominal surgery should be considered final before 12 to 18 months. In case of very obese patients, it can occur, after the 8th. Day, an “elimination of reasonable amount of yellowish liquid” by one or more scar points. This phenomenon is nothing more than surgical transudation and liquefaction of the residual fat near the area of ​​the scar that is being eliminated, without this constituting a complication. There are resources to prevent this leak from occurring in inopportune situations. There is a certain anxiety in the phase, due to the transitory aspect (edema, insensitivity, cicatricial aspect, etc.). This is fleeting and general reflects the desire to deal with the end result as soon as possible. Remember that no result of abdominal surgery should be considered final before 12 to 18 months. In case of very obese patients, it can occur, after the 8th. Day, an “elimination of reasonable amount of yellowish liquid” by one or more scar points. This phenomenon is nothing more than the surgical transudation and liquefaction of the residual fat near the area of ​​the scar that is being eliminated, without this being the best possible. There are resources to prevent this leak from occurring in inopportune situations. Insensitivity, scarring, etc.). This is fleeting and general reflects the desire to deal with the end result as soon as possible. Remember that no result of abdominal surgery should be considered final before 12 to 18 months. In case of very obese patients, it can occur, after the 8th. Day, an “elimination of reasonable amount of yellowish liquid” by one or more scar points. This phenomenon is nothing more than the surgical transudation and liquefaction of the residual fat near the area of ​​the scar that is being eliminated, without this being the best possible. There are resources to prevent this leak from occurring in inopportune situations. Insensitivity, scarring, etc.). This is fleeting and general reflects the desire to deal with the end result as soon as possible. Remember that no result of abdominal surgery should be considered final before 12 to 18 months. In case of very obese patients, it can occur, after the 8th. Day, an “elimination of reasonable amount of yellowish liquid” by one or more scar points. This phenomenon is nothing more than surgical transudation and liquefaction of the residual fat near the area of ​​the scar that is being eliminated, without this constituting a complication. There are resources to prevent This leakage will occur in inopportune situations. Remember that no result of abdominal surgery should be considered final before 12 to 18 months. In case of very obese patients, it can occur, after the 8th. Day, an “elimination of reasonable amount of yellowish liquid” by one or more scar points. This phenomenon is nothing more than the surgical transudation and liquefaction of the residual fat near the area of ​​the scar that is being eliminated, without this being the best possible. There are resources to prevent this leak from occurring in inopportune situations. Remember that no result of abdominal surgery should be considered final before 12 to 18 months. In case of very obese patients, it can occur, after the 8th. Day, an “elimination of reasonable amount of yellowish liquid” by one or more scar points. This phenomenon is nothing more than surgical transudation and liquefaction of the residual fat near the area of ​​the scar that is being eliminated, without this constituting a complication. There are resources to prevent this leak from occurring in inopportune situations. This phenomenon is nothing more than the surgical transudation and liquefaction of the residual fat near the area of ​​the scar that is being eliminated, without this being the best possible. There are resources to prevent this leak from occurring in inopportune situations. This phenomenon is nothing more than the surgical transudation and liquefaction of the residual fat near the area of ​​the scar that is being eliminated, without this being the best possible. There are resources to prevent this leak from occurring in inappropriate situations. RECOMMENDATIONS ABOUT THE SURGERY OF ABDOMINAL DERMOLIPECTOMY PRE-OPERATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) Communicate with your doctor until 2 days before the surgery, in case of complaint, menstrual period, Indisposition, etc.2) No hospitalization indicated in the guide, obeying the time of hospitalization.3) Avoid alcoholic drinks or very lavish meals, on the eve of the surgery. 4) Avoid any and all medicines to lose weight, For a period of 10 days before the surgical procedure. This also includes certain diuretics. 5) Schedule your social activities, whether at home or at school, so that you do not become indispensable to others for a period of approximately 3 to 4 weeks. B) POSTOPERATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) Avoid efforts for 14 2) Get up as often as recommended by people from hospital, obeying sent periods, as well as avoiding long stairs. 3) Avoid wetting the dressing during the first phase. 4) Do not expose yourself to Sun or chill, for a minimum of two months. 5) Walking curved, with slight flexion of the trunk, and keeping short steps, for a period of 7 to 14 days. 6) Obey the medical prescription. 7) Go back to the office for The subsequent dressings, on the days and times stipulated.8) You are probably well sent, a point to forget that was recently operated. Watch out! An euphoria can lead to an inopportune effort, which will determine certain disorders.9) Do not worry about the intermediate forms in the various phases. Take it out with your surgeon, and only with it, as regards. 10) In case of very obese patients, possibly after the 8th. Day, an elimination of a certain amount of yellowish or bloody liquid by one or more scar points. Do not worry, because if this communication does not mean complication.1) Except in special cases, free food, from the second day, mainly based on proteins (meat, milk, eggs) and vitamins (fruits). 11) Wait to make your “diet or slimming regimen” after a medical release. An anticipation of this conduct on its own, determine the difficult consequences to be remedied. OBS: Reading these observations about abdominal plastic surgery will serve to clarify the details that are currently. The information contained in this article applies to the notification form, please inform us to our health department. Is your plastic surgeon chosen the report on a convenience of associating another surgery (s) and ponder Enough with him about the advantages and disadvantages of association. · This description of the process was elaborated for information (a) regarding ABDOMINAL DERMOLIPECTOMY. Through the BRASILEIRA PLASTIC SURGERY SOCIETY Website on the INTERNET, you also get more clarification, if so.