Fig.: Hipomastia showing incision site (periareolar or sub-mammary sulcus); Textured silicon prosthesis with cohesive gel, located between the gland and the muscle; Final result with 240cc prosthesis.


Technical name: Inclusion of Silicone Prosthesis for correction of breast hypoplasia, or small breasts.

Part of body: female breasts.

Objectives: Basically, increase the size and raise the breasts.

Recommended age: from 18 years.

Anesthesia: local with sedation (in most cases).

Duration of surgery: on average 1 hour and a half.

Hospital stay: 12 hours.

Scar: discrete, inferior periareolar or in the infra-mammary groove (of 4 cm).
After a year is imperceptible, in case of good healing and taking care.

Laboratory tests (complete blood count, Coagulogram, Blood glucose, optional anti-HIV, Urine examination, E.C.G. and chest X-ray PA for over 40 years) and medical photography. Women over 35 years are done a breast study with Mammography and Ultrasound. Avoid smoking 15 days before, at least. Do not use Acetyl Salicylic Acid (ASA, Aspirin) or anti-coagulant medications, as well as Ginko biloba, for 15 days before and 7 days after surgery.

1 st. Day: rest in bed with headrest raised to 30 degrees. Get up just to go to the bathroom, slowly. Avoid lifting or supporting the arms and do not make sudden movements to avoid bruising. Light diet at the end of the day. Medications taken at the hospital: Antibiotic (Keftaple 1g EV 12 / 12h), Antinflammatory (Profenid 01 amp 12 / 12h EV), Analgesic (Tramal 01 amp EV if you have pain). Other usual medications for vomiting, stomach, antihypertensive.

2nd day: the dressing is renewed. Medications taken at home (WITH MEDICAL RECIPE): Antibiotic (Cefadroxil 500mg VO of 12 / 12h box with 8 comp.), Anti-inflammatory (Prexige 400mg 01 comp. VO 01 times a day, 01 box of 04 comp.), Analgesic Or Tylex 30mg VO if pain) and the usual.

7th day: the outside of the stitches is removed (only the outside leg of the Monocryl thread). For the points are internal, absorbing around 3 months. The micropore bra is also removed around the breast.

Recovery time: 15 to 30 days.

Associated Surgeries: Liposuction, Abdominoplasty

Breast Augmentation Care (Prosthodontics)

* Apply topical antiseptic (Ether, Merthiolate colorless or Rifocin spray) on the scars, over the Micropore. Renew the micropore every 7 days, and withdraw with 1 month.
* Sleep from dorsal decubitus (belly up), avoid sudden movements in the arms.
* Exercises only after 1 month.
* Return to work or drive after 15 days, on average.
* Do not pick up sun for at least 2 months. Photoprotector 30 FPS daily.
* Edema: decreases 50% with 1 month and 100% with 3 months.
* In case of capsule contraction (hardened breast): cold compresses + anti-inflammatory + lymphatic drainage (20 sessions).
* In case of high scar, massage for one minute with Rosehip Cream at 15% + Tamoxifen Citrate 0.1%; Or 0.5% Triamcinolone + 0.5% Hydrocortisone. In case of red scar, use Inicatrix (Heparin + Allantoin + Allium cepa).
* The scar may turn red for up to 6 months. In this case, do not expose yourself to the sun and avoid crustacean.
* Return for one month, two, four, and six month reviews. Final return for photography and possible retouching with one year.